Toronto: November 29 Nobody Pays fare evasion report

In response to the worldwide “Nobody Pays” call to action on November 29 for fare evasions, a small but spirited crew did just that after the climate march in downtown so-called Toronto. We joined the march as a Free Transit Now bloc, and passed out leaflets [offsite link, full text below] with some ideas about why transit is a climate, race, and class issue, why it should be free, and why fare enforcement is bad and fare evasion is cool, especially in the context of international solidarity.

At the end of the march, we circulated through the crowd chanting “Public transit should be free! Liberate the TTC!” and “Fuck the cops, fuck the haters, power to the fare evaders!”, then headed over to a nearby subway station. Read More …

Toronto: skale: a symphony of brick and glass

condo developer skale was attacked last night.
their ‘project’ at queen and gladstone
“a provocative and innovative symphony
of metals, glass and brick”
is another attack on the community of parkdale.
these streets
this neighbourhood
is not a “world-famous centre of cool and creativity”
it is (was) our home
our community
that we are being (were already) pushed out of by developers
yuppie businesses
and scumbag landlords.
this violence
this trauma
is tearing apart communities
and lives. Read More …

Kingston: Luxury Spa Development Sabotaged

Recently, we quietly entered the site of a luxury spa development just north of Kingston and sabotaged several heavy machines by adding bleach to the oil tanks (thanks to Mythbusters for the tactical advice). We waited a little while for the machines to run and cycle the bleach, and now they have disappeared. We hope that the engines are permanently disabled. Read More …

How to find and take action against border infrastructure anywhere in Canada

Construction has begun on a new prison for migrants and refugees in Laval, QC, a suburb just outside of Montreal. As the project has advanced, the struggle to stop it has ramped up as well, with a wide variety of actions being taken to stop its construction. The prison is part of a $138 million plan called the National Immigration Detention Framework (NIDF), announced in 2016 by the governnment of Canada following a period of resistance against the imprisonment of migrants. The NIDF expands and strengthens the government’s capacity to surveil, imprison, and deport migrants, creating two new migrant prisons as well as new forms of surveillance & control such as mandatory ankle bracelets, voice biometric scans, and halfway houses for migrants.

In the midst of this it can be hard to figure out how to intervene in what’s happening, either as an individual or group. In the spirit of spreading all forms of resistance to Canada’s border and prison regimes we’ve brainstormed a list of (just some of) the ways people might contribute to this fight. Read More …

Every Death is a Murder – Prisoners Justice Day, Hamilton

On the evening of Prisoners Justice Day, August 10th 2019, a small group of prison hating folks gathered in Hamilton, Ontario at Beasley park for a noise demo. HPS (Hamilton Police Sevices) observed the rally with excessive numbers including bike cops, a cop van, a supervisor suv and two cruisers. As our numbers grew we gathered to listen to a small introduction by the Barton Prisoner Solidarity Project explaining how PJD started and why it continues. The BPSP is a newly developed organization that seeks to thin the prison walls by building connections and magnifying the voices of those inside, while simultaneously working to smash those walls altogether by asking bigger questions about what a world without prisons would look like and figuring out how to get there. Read More …

Answering Back: Windsor’s “Drug Den”, or How We Choose to See Things

Two prominent recent articles in The Windsor Star describe a burnt out building on Wyandot St as a “drug den” and the people using the space as “a problem crowd” of “addicts” and push for the building to be demolished. The total lack of humanity in how the situation is described is striking. Drawing heavily on the words of local business owner Andrew Steptoe, it creates an opposition between good citizens like him – whose presence matters and whose voice counts – and the anonymous drug users who are portrayed as subhuman, represented only by photos of the garbage they leave behind, and who need to be driven away. Read More …

Ottawa: Fight for the Future! Forever Against Fascism!

A Report Back on the 20 July 2019 Yellow Vest Rally in Ottawa

This past Saturday comrades came together to successfully confront fascists who planned three days of rallies on Parliament Hill. The Canadians for Canada -“Breaking Chains” Yellow Vest rally called for convoys to arrive from all over so-called Canada to reach Ottawa. Despite their call for 10,000 motorbikes or more to come from all over the country, only about 40-50 people showed up – and not a single motorbike with them.

Originally having planned to have their rallies on Parliament Hill, their permits were pulled a week and a half before their planned rallies due to military events taking place. As a result, they were forced to hold their rally at a nearby park downtown, Garden of Provinces and Territories. However, in coordination with the Ottawa IWW GDC Local 6 and Anakbayan Ottawa, antifascists and the supporting community took over the space in the park to hold an event countering the fascist demonstration. Read More …