Camp Chaos Gays: Day 1 Report

We’re settling down into our first night at Camp Chaos Gays on the doorsteps of City Hall. It’s been a frantic day and we never really got to introduce ourselves. Hello Hamilton! We are the Chaos Gays – a smattering of queers, trans people, fags, fairies and divas enraged by what’s happening in this city. People who don’t have any aspirations of being Mayor Eisenberger’s tame LGB. . .T. . .whatever (nice try merulla) gays willing to tolerate his endless buffoonery in exchange for a seat at his table. We identify much more closely with his chaotic, fake-gay strawman, the people who will take it upon ourselves to defend Pride when it’s under attack, the folks who will play flutes on the Mayor’s doorstep when he’s being a twit, the ones who aren’t interested in begging for scraps of his recognition, but prefer instead to organize our own townhall discussions and figure out our own solutions.
And now we have a camp. Camp Chaos Gays! Everyone’s invited.
Except the Cops. Cops are absolutely not welcome here.
And to the cops lurking on the margins: We fucking see you. Read More …

Support for the hamilton queers from Clermont-Ferrand, France

In this rotten city of Clermont-Ferrand (center of France), two Prides (two, yes two…) were called last Saturday. So we went to the two of them, to inform about the jailed Hamilton queers. At the first one (the more « militant » one), we handed out the leaflet, had some discussions, and then we left, refusing to walk with the cops and the press (which asked us for the info that we refused to give them). Read More …

Drop the Charges! Free Cedar! Day of Action Report Back

On Friday, June 28th, We called for a Day of Autonomous Action to drop all the charges against pride defenders and to free Cedar immediately. This Day of Action comes on the heels of repeated harassment of queers by the police, city Councillors, mayor Fred Eisenberger and the far-right since the fall out of the Hamilton Pride festival.

June 28th was also the 50th anniversary of The Stonewall riot in NYC which catalyzed the modern Queer and Trans Liberation movements and what we’ve come to know as Pride. Getting back to our roots, this Day of Action wasn’t a music festival, there was no banks invited, no personalities, no celebrities, no boards, no cops, no CEO’s. Our Day of Action was one of people coming together and rejecting piecemeal offerings of tolerance and demanding liberation. This is our Stonewall. This is our Bathhouse Riot.

There was over 47 actions around the world responded to our call, with graffiti, postering, stickers, marches, rallies, demonstrations, phone zaps, messages of solidarity and fundraisers. It has brought us to tears time and again seeing the love people have to give, and encourages our call to drop the charges and free Cedar. Read More …

Love and Rage from so-called Central Vermont

As the sun set over the mountains and the songbirds began to hush, we crept onto a highway overpass to offer a small gesture of solidarity
with queer rebels in Hamilton. We carried out this action in vengeful
catharsis against every queerphobe who has ever dared to mess with us and those we care about. Read More …

San Francisco Solidarity Action With Cedar

Anonymous Submission to North Shore Counter-Info We glued the locks of the gentrifying business Manny’s and tagged a circle-A and “Free Cedar.” Manny’s is run by a Democratic Party operative who worked as an LGBT advisor to the Obama administration and as a top fundraiser for the Hillary Clinton campaign in Silicon Valley. His cafe is a blatant and sinister attempt to co-opt revolutionary sentiments back into the electoral shit Read More …

From Berlin to Hamilton: solidarity to our queer comrades facing repression

On June 15th, 2019 in Hamilton, Canada, Pride was attacked by a group of far-right homophobes, christian fundamentalists, neo-nazis, and queer bashers. They arrived with massive homophobic signs and banners, and immediately began to scream insults and slurs. They aggressively harassed individuals, made jokes about rape, and threatened physical violence. Read More …

Kingston: Flyering Action in Solidarity with Pride Defenders

Anonymous Submission to North Shore Counter-Info A group of queers, anarchists and supporters went downtown today, on the fiftieth anniversary of the Stonewall riots, to mark the day of action called for by our pals in Hamilton. We wore pink masks as an expression of complicity with pride defenders, held a banner that said “queers bash back,” and handed out hundreds of flyers to tourists and other passersby. Love and Read More …