Coast-to-coast Call to Action – Compilation of submissions

While North Shore was down in late November and early December, we received three submissions from BC and Quebec about actions taken there in solidarity with the Coast to Call Call to Action being circulated by Wet’suwet’en land defenders involved with Gidim’ten checkpoint. The three are below, all were received anonymously.

BC: Power Lines Feeding LNG Facility Sabotaged — A statement from a few who aim to shut down Canada
BC: Update on Recent Direct Action Against the Coastal GasLink Pipeline
MTL: Solidarity Disruption and Experimentation on the CP and AMT railroad Read More …

Hamilton: John A MacDonald Statue Painted Red

Early in the morning on November 9th, a few of us tread into the night to pay visit to Sir John A Macdonald in Gore park downtown Hamilton. With a loaded fire extinguisher, we painted him red, symbolizing his blood-soaked legacy. We did this in solidarity with the land defenders out 1492 Landback Lane, our neighbors from Six Nations, who are facing intense police violence in their attempt to save their land from another cheap and hollow suburban development. Read More …

OPP collaborators, we see you!

Anonymous Submission to North Shore UAV Tower Innovations is a drone company that is being paid by the OPP to spy on indigenous land defenders. Their publicly listed address is 403138 Grey Rd 4, Durham. Last night we spraypainted a message on their driveway: OPP COLLABORATORS WE SEE YOU! WE ARE WATCHING YOU NO JUSTICE ON STOLEN NATIVE LAND This is a warning, keep your drones away from the front Read More …

Seeds of Resistance: a new resource for land defense

Anonymous submission to North Shore As the world falls apart around us we turn to the land more than ever. This site is meant as a resource for resisting pipelines and other exploitative industrial projects. It is full of information for ideas and action when the process has failed, when permits have been granted, and there is nothing left but our own selves to protect the land. Visit (with Read More …

Hamilton: (Un)staking Their Claim: disrupting enbridge’s newest pipeline

As the deep yellow moon rose we moved deeper into the swamp, past the sweet smells of lilacs and greens and rich earth. Lulled by the moonlight and our headlamps reflecting on the pale survey stakes against the surrounding darkness that marked out Enbridge’s proposed new gas pipeline in Flamborough. One by one we pulled nearly 10 kilometres of stakes, tossing them to the side to be reclaimed by the bush. Read More …

Hamilton: Rail Sabotage in Solidarity with Wet’suwet’en struggle

Anonymous submission to North Shore Counter-Info Using the jumper-cable and wires method described elsewhere the track signalling system on a CN mainline in Hamilton was sabotaged last week. This was done in continuing solidarity with Wet’suwet’en hereditary chiefs and land protectors. Work on TC Energy’s Coastal GasLink pipeline continues without the consent of the chiefs and despite the Memorandum of Understanding signed by the chiefs with BC and Kanada. the Read More …

Recent Actions in Guelph: Banks and Animal Testing Lab Vandalised

Recently in Guelph, an animal testing lab was broken into and a video of animal conditions was posted online. Tags were left claiming it for the Animal Liberation Front. A few days later, several banks were defaced with anti-capitalist graffiti. Although no communiques for these actions were submitted to North Shore, we find them interesting and choose to republish information about them. Text and images below are lifted from mainstream sources. Read More …

Ghost Blockade – “Edmonton”

In the early morning of Friday, March 13th, 2020, we took part in an act of defiance and solidarity with the Wet’suwet’en. Inspired by recent actions in the GTA, we setup a ghost blockade along the railway tracks just outside of Edmonton. It was cold, so we gave the ghosts a fire to keep them warm. CN was alerted. We burned the injunction that had been served to Indigenous land and water defenders and their settler allies on February 19th, 2020, for blocking this very same section of rail. Read More …

Solidarity Ghost Blockades in GTA

On Wednesday March 11, hours before the student walkout for Wet’suwet’en, fellow supporters continued to disrupt the Canadian economy by holding “Ghost Blockades” at the time of the morning commute. Activists in solidarity with the Wet’suwet’en and other Indigenous Land Defenders have planted harmless signals on train tracks in various parts of the GTA, forcing rail traffic to halt while officials investigate. Trains were stopped, but this time there were no visible activists on the tracks for the police to arrest and intimidate. As police forces escalate their responses to peaceful demonstrations on rails, land defenders and allies are finding ways to send their message without risking police aggression. Railway police and other workers will need to investigate each blockade to deem the tracks safe for further traffic. In the mean time, the message is clear: RCMP and CGL must leave Wet’suwet’en territory. Read More …

Three Railway Sabotage Actions Targeting Milton Junction in Solidarity with Land Defenders

It seems worth sharing that we have managed to shut down, (if only for a few to several hours), different rail lines in Southern Ontario using the ol’ copper wire technique. We did this three separate times targeting a junction in Milton, on lines that connect Kitchener-Waterloo to Toronto and Burlington. Using paper maps to follow where lines go, we had fun finding places to act with most impact. We learned more about how this was done following some of the other informative and inspiring posts here on North Shore. Read More …