Yes! Throw that baby out with the bath water: Further reflections on the ethic of uncertainty and settler futurity

Editor’s Note: The final paragraph of this submission was edited the evening of November 14th as per the author’s request. A couple of days after the From Embers podcast aired the episode, “Quebec Nationalism and Settler Futurity – Refusing Innocence,” someone posted a thoughtful and engaging reflection about this discussion. As one of the guests on this episode, I’ve taken some time to sit with the concerns shared in the post and decided Read More …

From Embers: Quebec Nationalism and Settler Futurity – Refusing Innocence

By From Embers Listen and download here A conversation with two anarchists following a workshop they gave at the Montreal Anarchist Bookfair entitled “10 years since the strike: the place of nationalism within militant struggle.” We discuss the history of Quebec nationalism and its influence in anarchist and radical milieus, responsibilities of settlers in anti-colonial struggle and in relating to land, possibilities and uncertain futures opened up by anarchism as Read More …

Railway Blockade on Unceded Nitassinan (Saguenay)

From Montreal Counter-Info Wednesday evening, a collective of Indigenous and settler activists blocked the Roberval-Saguenay railroad belonging to the multinational corporation Rio Tinto in solidarity with the National Committee for First Peoples’ Rights which is paralyzing for a third consecutive day the railroad line located at the border of Labrador and Schefferville, which is used by the mining company Tata Steel. The solidarity blockade lasted one hour. These actions have Read More …

Blockade DefenseCharges dropped for all 15 Lennoxville QC Defendants! (en/fr)

We are a group of people who, back in february 2020, held an all-day railroad blockade in so-called Lennoxville, Quebec, on stolen Abenaki land, in solidarity with the Wet’suwet’en land defenders and against the ongoing violence of colonialism. We have recently learned that the criminal accusations that had been laid against us have finally been withdrawn and that our case has been closed.

On the one hand, it brings us joy to avoid the stress and hassle of a criminal trial, and even moreso considering how the Sherbrooke police shamelessly lied to us and broke their own protocols in order to arrest us on that sunny winter day.

Le français suit l’anglais Read More …

From Embers: New Content in July 2019

From Embers is a regular anarchist podcast produced in Kingston, Ontario. We produce a few episodes each month about actions and projects going on in so-called Canada that inspire us, or about topics that we think will be relevant to anarchists living north of the border. We are a proud member of the Channel Zero Anarchist Podcast Network. Read More …

Sodexo Attacked

In the early morning of March 29th, the president of Sodexo Canada was visited at her home in Brossard. All the tires of the two cars in her driveway were slashed, their windshields were smashed in, and FUCK SODEXO and (A) were written on their hoods. Read More …

Callout for Autonomous Actions against the Laval Migrant Prison, Quebec

Between November 23rd and Dec 7th, we are calling for autonomous actions to block the construction of the new migrant prison in Laval.

Under the pretext of improving detention conditions for migrants, the CBSA has been given a huge government budget to develop “alternatives” to detention and to build two new migrant prisons. While the state uses words like “humanized” and “alternatives” to describe their project, we know this is merely an expansion of the prison and border systems. The so-called “alternatives” and the new prisons serve the same purpose: to expand the CBSA’s capacity for border enforcement and immigration policing, to imprison and deport migrants and to rip people away from their families and communities. One of these prisons will be built in Laval on land owned by the Correctional Services of Canada, ostensibly replacing the existing migrant detention center. Two architectural firms have been contracted to build this project: Lemay (based in St. Henri, Montreal) and Groupe A (Quebec City). Work has already begun on the site of the future prison. Read More …

Faith Goldy’s Racist Pals

From subMedia Alt-Right blogger Faith Goldy, called for a demo at Roxham Road, a site where migrants cross irregularly into Canada to escape Trump’s America. While claiming that she and her friends are simply against “illegal immigration”, this video reveals the racist and white supremacist character of many of those who attended Goldy’s march. [Video can be viewed here on Note that to view it requires running scripts from Read More …