Kingston: Community, Labour and Indigenous Groups Push Out Racists and Disrupt Trudeau Fundraiser

Community, labour and Indigenous groups push out racists and disrupt Trudeau fundraiser – by collective effort on the territory known as Kingston.

On Wed December 19th in Kingston, a federal Liberal party fundraiser was scheduled at St. Lawrence College. Labour unions called a rally for fair bargaining in solidarity with PSAC and CUPW workers. Known far-right organizer Georges Hallak, and others from near Ottawa posted a “yellow vest”/anti-UN immigration policy/anti-Trudeau invitation to the event. Read More …

Toronto: Report from Far-Right “Yellow Vest” Rally

Ants showed up yesterday to provide some sabotage to an alleged ‘yellow vest’ rally at Nathan Philips square. We dropped a banner over the proto-fascist trash that read “IMMIGRANTS AND REFUGEES WELCOME, RACISTS NOT”.

For two weekends running, racist scum have rallied in Toronto under the guise of ‘yellow vests’ with two main talking points: climate denial and xenophobia. It’s apparent that the movement in France is contested territory between the far right, and our international comrades. However, here on Turtle Island, the ‘yellow vests’ are primarily the same xenophobic groups like Northern Guard, Soldiers of Odin, III%ers, CCC, and the rest of the garbage who have been propagating hate on our streets. Read More …

A Shady “Antifascist Canada” Twitter Account

Anonymous Submission to North Shore Counter-Info There’s been a bit of news before about fake antifa social media accounts, most of which are run by right-wing trolls. Generally they are so clueless about leftist ideology and unconnected to local issues that only other right-wingers have been foolish enough to fall for them. But this “Antifascist Canada” (@AntiFascist_CA) Twitter account is suspicious for different reasons. The account mostly posts “pro-Russian” views, attacking Read More …

Bryan Trottier: the racist, misogynist leader of the English-Canada branch of La Meute

In a desperate attempt to influence the recent Quebec elections, La Meute has been popping up in the last few weeks with small, decentralized actions. Though the mainstream media has been giving them far too much attention for their size, the extreme-right group’s actions haven’t gained much popular support, in stark contradiction to their leader Sylvain ”Maikan” Brouillette’s slogan: “40,000 members, 40,000 votes”.

It’s within this context that, on the 15th of September, Steeve “L’artiss” Charland (Maikan’s potential rival) led a “mobile protest” which was, in reality, simply a bunch of cars driving around with La Meute flags or stickers. The meet-up for the dozen or so La Meute members was Oka, right next to the Mohawk community of Kanesatake. Upon their arrival, members of the Kanesatake community mobilized to kick them out, subjecting them to boos and insults as they left, and in so doing, refusing to allow their community to be used in the way the extreme-right group have been attempting to use them during the past few months. Read More …

Good Night White Pride: Outing Neo Nazis in Hamilton

Here in Hamilton, anti-fascists have been debating the merit of going after Paul Fromm – a well-known white supremacist with ties to the KKK and Stormfront – as a mayoral candidate.

On one hand, you have a proudly racist shithead running for mayor.

On the other hand, Fromm has been invisible as a candidate thus far. Attacking him directly would give him a media platform to spew his vile minimally-covert racist bullshit, potentially win over more ignorant supporters, and continue flagging other neo-Nazis of his presence. It’s also pretty hard to call out an obvious racist without insinuating that white supremacy doesn’t exist within the other mayoral and ward candidates: we didn’t want our disavowal of Fromm to look like throwing support behind – or belief in – any other candidate, the election, or even Canadian democracy at large.

So we did the next best thing; we went after those just as ignorant and racist as Fromm himself – those who nominated him. Read More …

London: Anti-Fascist Mobilization Opposes Pegida, Soldiers of Odin, and Wolves of Odin

On Saturday, October 13, 2018, a rally of several Pegida members along with a dozen or so SOO and a few Wolves of Odin and other neo-fascist supporters was confronted by a much larger counter-mobilization of antifascists. With cops present the fascists held their ground outside the City Hall building. Read More …

Regarding Lindsay Shepherd

Next week, a speaking event is scheduled at Queen’s University featuring alt-right-connected and self-styled ‘free speech warrior’ Lindsay Shepherd. Posters have appeared in Kingston calling for a counter-demonstration. It feels like a familiar story is unfolding, one in which we play our parts in a script already written by the strategists of the campus right. Wanting to contribute to an ongoing discussion about how to engage with these kinds of events, I reached out to an anarchist comrade in Kitchener-Waterloo who is familiar with Shepherd’s strategy and has experience with various efforts to counter her events. What follows is a reflection without an obvious solution, but my hope is that it will encourage creativity, strategic thinking and effective practice. We did this interview over email; it has been edited for clarity and length. Read More …