Kingston: Flyering Action in Solidarity with Pride Defenders

Anonymous Submission to North Shore Counter-Info A group of queers, anarchists and supporters went downtown today, on the fiftieth anniversary of the Stonewall riots, to mark the day of action called for by our pals in Hamilton. We wore pink masks as an expression of complicity with pride defenders, held a banner that said “queers bash back,” and handed out hundreds of flyers to tourists and other passersby. Love and Read More …

From Embers: New Content in June 2019

From Embers is a regular anarchist podcast produced in Kingston, Ontario. We produce a few episodes each month about actions and projects going on in so-called Canada that inspire us, or about topics that we think will be relevant to anarchists living north of the border. We are a proud member of the Channel Zero Anarchist Podcast Network. This month we produced three original episodes… Read More …

Kingston Pride and Solidarity with Queers Against Police

This year at Kingston Pride, a small group of people gathered with signs that read “STONEWALL WAS A RIOT” and “NO PRIDE IN IMPERIALISM, NO PRIDE IN POLICE,” a black flag and flyers. We weaved through the parade, handing out flyers about why the military and cops weren’t welcome at Pride and expressing solidarity with racialized people, indigenous folks, migrants and poor folks who – like LGBTQ+ folks – experience brutal violence at the hands of Canada’s police and military on this territory and abroad. Read More …

Kingston: Actions Continue in Support of Wet’suwet’en Camps

As #ShutDownCanada actions continue to happen across the country in support of the Wet’suwet’en camps attacked by the RCMP on Monday, anti-colonial networks in Katarokwi/Kingston are activated and trying to maintain pressure on the government and corporate interests behind the Coastal GasLink project. Here is a brief timeline of actions here over the past week. Read More …

Kingston: Action In Solidarity With Wet’suwet’en Camps

Anonymous Submission to North Shore Counter-Info. Tonight in Katarokwi (Kingston) there was an action to show solidarity with the Gitdimt’en and Unist’ot’en camps currently under attack by the Canadian state. Moved by news of ongoing RCMP operations on unceded Wet’suwet’en territory, an ad-hoc group came together on short notice for an action downtown. We blocked the entrance to the Royal Bank of Canada (financial advisors for the Coastal GasLink Project), Read More …

Kingston: Community, Labour and Indigenous Groups Push Out Racists and Disrupt Trudeau Fundraiser

Community, labour and Indigenous groups push out racists and disrupt Trudeau fundraiser – by collective effort on the territory known as Kingston.

On Wed December 19th in Kingston, a federal Liberal party fundraiser was scheduled at St. Lawrence College. Labour unions called a rally for fair bargaining in solidarity with PSAC and CUPW workers. Known far-right organizer Georges Hallak, and others from near Ottawa posted a “yellow vest”/anti-UN immigration policy/anti-Trudeau invitation to the event. Read More …

Kingston: Community Picket at Canada Post Facility

On December 7th a handful of Kingstonians held a “community picket”. This action followed similar ones that had been held recently in Toronto, Vancouver, Halifax, Fredericton and elsewhere in support of CUPW workers who have been legislated back to work. Despite a province-wide injunction against this activity, the picketers were able to keep mail from leaving the downtown plant from 8am until 10:30am, when police arrived and pushed the picketers back from the roadway. Read More …

Kingston: Really Really Free Market in Skeleton Park

On September 30th, 2018, members of AKA Autonomous Social Centre in Kingston hosted another Really, Really Free Market (RRFM) in our neighbourhood. Over the course of 3 hours, approximately 150 to 200 folks came by to share and take free things! For those who are not aware of RRFMs, they are events where folks give and take things with no money exchanged. They emerged as public events in direct opposition to so-called free trade negotiations. Read More …

Regarding Lindsay Shepherd

Next week, a speaking event is scheduled at Queen’s University featuring alt-right-connected and self-styled ‘free speech warrior’ Lindsay Shepherd. Posters have appeared in Kingston calling for a counter-demonstration. It feels like a familiar story is unfolding, one in which we play our parts in a script already written by the strategists of the campus right. Wanting to contribute to an ongoing discussion about how to engage with these kinds of events, I reached out to an anarchist comrade in Kitchener-Waterloo who is familiar with Shepherd’s strategy and has experience with various efforts to counter her events. What follows is a reflection without an obvious solution, but my hope is that it will encourage creativity, strategic thinking and effective practice. We did this interview over email; it has been edited for clarity and length. Read More …