Kingston: Community Picket at Canada Post Facility

On December 7th a handful of Kingstonians held a “community picket”. This action followed similar ones that had been held recently in Toronto, Vancouver, Halifax, Fredericton and elsewhere in support of CUPW workers who have been legislated back to work. Despite a province-wide injunction against this activity, the picketers were able to keep mail from leaving the downtown plant from 8am until 10:30am, when police arrived and pushed the picketers back from the roadway. Read More …

Ottawa: Community Picket in Solidarity With Postal Workers Report-back

On Dec 3rd, community members organized and assembled a community picket. The plan, to take the place of postal workers who would otherwise still be out picketing if they weren’t facing state repression through massive fines. With 20 supporters wearing yellow vests (gilets jaunes), carrying signs, banners and flags, they began picketing the gates of the Ottawa mail processing plant. At first met with confusion, postal workers quickly welcomed the community picketers with high-fives, handshakes, honking horns, and even a few hugs. Read More …

Holding the Line: Supporters Picket Canada Post After Back-to-Work Legislation

Union members and community supporters across Canada have been organizing militant and effective pickets at Canada Post facilities ever since legislation came down on Monday making strikes by Canada Post workers themselves illegal.

Vancouver, Hamilton, Edmonton, Halifax, Windsor, and Mississauga have all seen “cross pickets” or “solidarity pickets” blocking mail trucks from entering or leaving processing plants for hours at a time. The actions have mobilized between 30 and 80 people and targeted key distribution centers.

The solidarity pickets have been made up of a broad coalition of political activists, and labor and community supporters. Major unions and labor councils have turned out dozens of their members.

In several cases, IWW branches and members have been instrumental in coordinating the pickets, and in setting the tone on the line. Read More …

Against Patriarchy, the Police, and any World That Needs Them

On October 20th, 2018 around 1am, cops showed up to a call at an apartment above a King St. Shop in Hamilton, Ontario. Inside they found Robyn Garlow, 30yo mother of one, with a knife. They electrocuted her with a taser and, as she was falling to the ground, shot her four fucking times.

Garlow was known to the police. She was a drug user and was recently out of jail. These details have no relevancy to her worth, her inherent right to freedom from state oppression. Yet, they already have been and will be used to justify her murder. Because the police are a violent organization meant to protect property of the rich, they have no humanity for the poor and the working class. Because the police are a patriarchal organization meant to enforce laws that privilege masculinity, they have no room for women who do not submit to their authority. Read More …

Ontario Labour Minister’s Office Trashed

Ontario Labour Minister Laurie Scott says her constituency office was broken into and vandalized overnight after the Progressive Conservative government introduced workplace reforms, including a minimum-wage freeze.

Ms. Scott’s office in Lindsay, Ont., was broken into, the windows were smashed and a fire extinguisher was used to break items in the office, a spokesman for Premier Doug Ford told The Globe and Mail. Photos show broken windows and a worker cleaning up the glass.

Spray-painted on a wall outside the office were the words, “Attack Workers We Fight Back $15,” a reference to the provincial government’s decision to freeze the minimum wage at $14 an hour. Read More …

Good Night White Pride: Outing Neo Nazis in Hamilton

Here in Hamilton, anti-fascists have been debating the merit of going after Paul Fromm – a well-known white supremacist with ties to the KKK and Stormfront – as a mayoral candidate.

On one hand, you have a proudly racist shithead running for mayor.

On the other hand, Fromm has been invisible as a candidate thus far. Attacking him directly would give him a media platform to spew his vile minimally-covert racist bullshit, potentially win over more ignorant supporters, and continue flagging other neo-Nazis of his presence. It’s also pretty hard to call out an obvious racist without insinuating that white supremacy doesn’t exist within the other mayoral and ward candidates: we didn’t want our disavowal of Fromm to look like throwing support behind – or belief in – any other candidate, the election, or even Canadian democracy at large.

So we did the next best thing; we went after those just as ignorant and racist as Fromm himself – those who nominated him. Read More …

London: Anti-Fascist Mobilization Opposes Pegida, Soldiers of Odin, and Wolves of Odin

On Saturday, October 13, 2018, a rally of several Pegida members along with a dozen or so SOO and a few Wolves of Odin and other neo-fascist supporters was confronted by a much larger counter-mobilization of antifascists. With cops present the fascists held their ground outside the City Hall building. Read More …

Kingston: Really Really Free Market in Skeleton Park

On September 30th, 2018, members of AKA Autonomous Social Centre in Kingston hosted another Really, Really Free Market (RRFM) in our neighbourhood. Over the course of 3 hours, approximately 150 to 200 folks came by to share and take free things! For those who are not aware of RRFMs, they are events where folks give and take things with no money exchanged. They emerged as public events in direct opposition to so-called free trade negotiations. Read More …

Parkdale Tenants Visit Landlord Marina Grmusa

From Parkdale Organize Today our neighbours at 1336 King, along with members of Parkdale Organize, visited the Mississauga home of their landlord, Marina Grmusa. Grmusa is evicting our neighbours Melissa, Cesar, and Marco. We made it clear that our neighbours are here to stay. In August, Grmusa tried to strong-arm Melissa and Cesar into signing forms which would end their tenancies. Grmusa used this tactic on tenants who are ill, Read More …