Ottawa: In Solidarity with Kids and Their Caregivers

As the school year starts, we are thinking about kids and their caregivers. None of us currently parent any children, though we all have kids in our lives who we love and consider friends and comrades. In the Punch Up Collective, as a general practice, we aim to organize our work in such a way that kids and the adults who sustain them are included in our activities. We do this by budgeting money to hire someone who can host kid activities during events we put on, scheduling social gatherings during the day instead of at dinner time, making space in protests and marches that can be more kid-friendly, and generally trying to make sure that children are an ordinary part of our political lives. We believe that this approach makes our political spaces more sustainable, inter-generational, and joyful. Read More …

Peterborough: Poster campaign in support of 1492 Land Back Lane

Anonymous submission to North Shore Counter-Info In Nogojiwanong, so-called Peterborough, posters were pasted up in an effort to foster local awareness & support of the land defense of 1492 Land Back Lane on Six Nations of the Grand River territory. The posters include the official e-transfer address, as well as a QR code and alternate instructions for reaching the official legal defense GoFundMe. We are in solidarity with Haudenosaunee land Read More …

Six Nations: Call for an End to Criminalization of Land Defenders: Day of Solidarity October 9th

In the past week, ten people have been arrested in connection to 1492 Land Back Lane. These include Allies who are non-Indigenous and people from other Haudenosaunee communities, as well as Mohawk researcher Courtney Skye and Oneida journalist Karl Dockstader.

Arresting our kin and allies is an escalation of violence on behalf of the OPP. Canada is choosing how to address our concerns and issues, and they have chosen to use police violence and criminalization instead of engaging with our community. Read More …

Kingston: Account of Eviction of Belle Park Encampment

Today the City of Kingston carried out their threat of eviction at Belle Park.  By-law officers and the police taped off all entrances to the park, and initially wouldn’t let supporters or residents in to pack up or claim belongings. Due to pressure from community supporters and allies, residents were allowed into the park to pack their things.

The city has failed to address homelessness for generations, and this has gotten worse during covid. Read More …

1492 Landback Lane Solidarity Demo in Hamilton

Last Sunday (on August 23rd), I showed up at a public demo in support of the 1492 Landback Lane reclamation site on Six Nations of the Grand River territory. I saw the event page on Facebook and was really glad for an opportunity to support the land defenders out there. It is absolutely disgusting that the OPP decided to raid the camp and kick Haudenosaunee people off of their own land, and to use such force to boot. Read More …

Migrant Worker Rally at Niagara Detention Centre

On a hot Sunday on August 23rd, 2020 a modest group of anti-prison, migrant worker and labor activists gathered for a noise demo at the Niagara Detention Centre in Thorold, Ontario on a National day of Action organized by the Migrant Rights Network. This site was chosen because the Niagara Detention Centre is used to cage community members who are undocumented and seeking asylum. Read More …

Details of Police Surveillance Targeting Wet’suwet’en Solidarity Organizing

North Shore Counter-Info has received legal documents that have not yet been made public containing details about recent investigations targeting anarchists in Southern Ontario who have been engaged with Wet’suwet’en solidarity organizing in 2019 and 2020. Many of these details confirm practices of surveillance that many suspect take place, but that aren’t usually taken seriously. This includes collaboration by big tech companies, tracking devices, and long periods of active surveillance. Read More …

Hamilton: If the OPP Come Knocking: Info about Police Harassment

This morning, August 13, 2020, an individual in Hamilton was approached by plain clothes OPP officers in a park while they were out walking their dog. The officers knew not only the person’s name, but also that of their dog and family members, and they seemed to know the person’s routine well enough to be waiting for them. They made vague threats to the person and also offered to protect them, and asked to talk with them further. They were likely being approached in order to inform on others. Read More …

Caledonia: Account of the Raid at the 1492 Landback Lane Reclamation Site

On July 19th, a group of Haudenosaunee Land Defenders along with some allies began peacefully occupying a portion of their unceded territory that had been cleared for development in so-called Caledonia. The site was expected to become a housing development by the name of McKenzie Meadows and has now been renamed 1492 Landback Lane. A few weeks later, on August 5th, the site was violently raided by the OPP which saw many Indigneous folks forcibly removed from their territory.    Read More …

August Barton Jail Hunger Strike: Post Updated for Day 2

Update from Day 2 of the Hunger Strike

Today around 11am a small but enthusiastic group of hunger strike supporters gathered at the Barton Jail to show the folks inside some solidarity by holding banners and signs. We visited both sides of the jail east and west and heard banging and tapping from inside.
We also heard a report of fireworks being lit off on both sides of the jail in a beautiful show of solidarity with the hunger strikers last night. Read More …